AffiGEN’s Cyclic-di-Guanosine Monophosphate (cyclic-di-GMP) Assay Kit is a simple, rapid, highly selective assay to measure cyclic-di-GMP levels in cells. This assay can be used to detect cyclic-di-GMP in any biochemical or enzymatic reaction that produces cyclic-di-GMP or in cell-based applications to monitor intracellular cyclic-di-GMP concentrations.
AffiASSAY® Cyclic-di-GMP Assay Kit
A simple, rapid, highly selective assay to measure cyclic-di-GMP levels in cells.,The end user needs to simply incubate the samples with the provided assay reagents for 30 min followed by reading the samples on a fluorescence plate reader at Ex/Em = 482/505 nm.,The assay is easy to use and is homogenous.
Alternative Name
Cyclic-di-Guanosine Monophosphate Kit,Cyclic-di-GMP Assay,Cyclic-di-GMP Assay Kit,Cyclic-di-GMP Kit,Cyclic-diGMP Assay Kit,Cyclic-di-Guanosine Monophosphate Assay,cGMP Assay Kit,Cyclic-di-Guanosine Monophosphate Assay Kit
Species Reactivity
To detect cyclic-di-GMP in any biochemical or enzymatic reaction that produces cyclic-di-GMP.,Cell-based applications to monitor intracellular cyclic-di-GMP concentrations in bacteria.
Tag Line
Aptamer based assay to measure cyclic-di-GMP levels in cells or in any biochemical or enzymatic reaction
Detection Method
Fluorescence at Ex/Em = 482/505 nm
Sample Type
Biochemical samples,Bacterial cells
Storage Conditions
Shipping Conditions
Room Temperature
Shelf life
12 Months