Human Streptokinase is a therapeutic drug and is used as a fibrinolytic agent to treat patients with acute myocardial infarction. Streptokinase (SK) is a plasminogen activator, which works by binding to plasminogen to form a catalytically active streptokinase-plasminogen enzymatic complex (Plg-SK) thereby converting plasminogen to plasmin. In nature, Streptokinase is produced by Group A and Group C Streptococci. SK helps Streptococci in hijacking plasminogen in the human fibrinolytic system thereby dissolving the host fibrin barriers and facilitating bacterial spreading. SK is listed in the World Health Organization (WHO) Model List of essential medicines and is a leading fibrinolytic agent in the treatment of thromboembolic conditions. It is cost-effective and is easy to produce. AffiGEN’s Steptokinase Activity Assay Kit can be used to evaluate Streptokinase produced in bulk culture and its effect on plasminogen activation in serum. The assay is simple, easy to perform and can be completed in 3 easy steps. The assay can detect as little as 3 mU of Streptokinase Activity in less than 60 min.
The overall reaction is as follows:
Plasminogen + SK Plg-SK SK + Plasmin
Plasmin + SK Substrate Plasmin-SK Substrate Plasmin + pNA (Absorbance 405 nm)
AffiASSAY® Streptokinase Activity Assay Kit (Colorimetric)
Easy to perform and can be completed in 3 easy steps, Can detect as little as 3 mU of Streptokinase Activity in less than 60 min, Simple
Alternative Name
Streptokinase Activity Assay Kit, Streptokinase, Streptokinase Activity Assay Kit (Colorimetric), SK, Streptokinase Activity Kit (Colorimetric), Streptokinase Colorimetric Activity Assay Kit, Streptokinase Colorimetric Assay Kit, Streptokinase Activity Assay Kit, Streptokinase Colorimetric Activity Kit, Streptokinase Colorimetric Activity Assay, Streptokinase Activity Assay Kit, Streptokinase Colorimetric Activity Assay Kit
Species Reactivity
Determination of recombinant Streptokinase activity in bulk preparation for comparison with the in-house bulk-preparation.
Tag Line
to evaluate Streptokinase produced in bulk culture
Detection Method
Absorbance, OD 405 nm
Sample Type
Serum off the clot can be evaluated for increased plasmin activity with the addition of Streptokinase.
Storage Conditions
Shipping Conditions
Gel Pack
Shelf life
12 Months