Cell Viability Assay
Cell viability assays are essential techniques used to assess the health and survival of cells in various experimental conditions. These assays help determine how treatments, drugs, or environmental conditions affect cell growth and function. Here's a detailed technical overview of cell viability assay kits:
Key Reagents and Components
- Dyes and Substrates: Include MTT, XTT, WST-1, resazurin, Calcein AM, Propidium Iodide, and others, depending on the assay type.
- Enzymes: Includes luciferase for ATP assays or other enzymatic components used in the detection process.
- Buffers and Reagents: Solutions for cell lysis, dye solubilization, or other assay-specific preparations.
- Standards and Controls: Used for calibration and to ensure the accuracy of the assay.
- Cell Preparation: Seed cells in appropriate culture plates or wells. Allow them to adhere and grow to the desired confluence.
- Treatment: Apply experimental treatments or drugs as needed and incubate for the specified duration.
- Assay Execution:
- Colorimetric Assays: Add the assay reagent (e.g., MTT or XTT) to cells, incubate, and measure absorbance.
- Fluorometric Assays: Add fluorogenic dyes (e.g., resazurin or Calcein AM), incubate, and measure fluorescence.
- Luminescent Assays: Lyse cells, add reagents for luminescent detection (e.g., CellTiter-Glo®), and measure light emission.
- Dye Exclusion Assays: Mix cells with dye, count using a microscope or automated counter, and calculate the percentage of viable cells.
- Data Analysis: Analyze the results to determine cell viability. Compare treated samples with control or untreated samples to assess the effects of treatments.
- Drug Screening: Evaluate the cytotoxicity or efficacy of new drugs or compounds.
- Cancer Research: Assess the effects of therapies on cancer cell lines.
- Cell Biology: Study cell proliferation, toxicity, and general cell health.
- Toxicology: Test the impact of environmental or chemical agents on cell viability.